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Daily Checklist

Daily Checklist

I tend to get so overwhelmed by all the daily tasks and chores that I often forget or neglect some of the most important things. To help myself and you, I created this free daily checklist as a visual reminder so I can check off the little yet important things as I go through my day. I consider this as part of my daily self care, because being able to see that I did some or all of the checklist gives me a sense of self achievement in something other than the daily work/chore grind. I hope and pray this checklist is beneficial to you. These are simplified tasks and you can do a lot more but I find the simpler and easier the task the more likely I will complete it.

Print off and laminate the checklist and have it up somewhere you will see it easily, keep a marker nearby to tick off as you go. At the end of a few days you will be able to see which of these things you are struggling to make time for.
