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History timeline

September 15, 2020

History timeline:

One of the things I was most excited about when we started homeschooling was that we could have a tailor made history curriculum to emphasise the importance of our Islamic history. So that we could learn history all the way from the creation of Prophet Adam (AS), through all the prophets, sahabahs, major Islamic historic events to the modern day Islamic world, while incorporating other world history as it happened through these different time periods.

I’ve always been a visual learner and find it easier to follow history when I can get a complete picture in my head, since my daughter has a similar visual memory we made a simple timeline and stuck it on our wall to serve as a giant timeline (and it looks pretty too!)

As we go through the Islamic history timeline we introduce the major historical events that occurred, around the same time, in the rest of the world. As my daughter gets older we can add more events and historical figures to this. The aim however is to form a strong foundation where her knowledge of the world starts from our Islamic history and beliefs and why Allah created us, so that our purpose is not lost in the major/minor world changing ‘events’.

I’ve added a printable version so you can recreate this at home! Checkout the printables section here to get the free printable! Just laminate, stick up with blue tack and use coloured washi tape to make the line.



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